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ItalianItalianFurio Arrasich. Catalogo degli illustraori di cartoline italiane2003Yearbook Yearbook
French-DutchFrench-DutchCatalogue Officiel de Timbres-Poste de Belgique 2020 (COB/OCB)2019Yearbook YearbookBelgium
FrenchFrenchAlmanachs de la ville de Bruxelles 1820 à 1969Yearbook YearbookBrussels
FrenchFrenchCatalogue Neudin annuel19742001Yearbook YearbookJoelle et Gerard Neu
FrenchFrenchArgus Fildier. Catalogue des CPA de collection19751990Yearbook YearbookLibrairie Cartophili
FrenchFrenchRostenne Cartes postales anciennes, Catalogue international19762000Yearbook YearbookEditions la FibuleBelgium
FrenchFrenchCatalogue illustré du salon des humoriste. Annuel19041950Yearbook YearbookSociété des dessinat

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