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close General Information about the field Searched Country
The field Searched Country has the type Country

Basic Documentation Information object: Country

The countries defined on the site are the current countries. They do not necessarily correspond with the old countries. Any locality defined on the site must belong to a country. If the locality is not yet defined you can use a generic locality for this country

This site is dedicated to the Belgian map and to illustrators. So all Belgian localities are defined.

Foreign cards are only encoded on the site if they have a connection with Belgium (for example a Belgian publisher / printer)

closeGeneral Information on the object Country

Icon symbolizing the object : Country Country
Country is dependent on the object ContinentContinent
Country is accessible in the menu Pays
There is(are) currently 195 Countries on www.cartophilie.be
Cannot load scans for the object directly Country
Country can be located on a map, There is(are) currently 8 Cities/Villages/Places(Capital)

closeAuthorisation Information on the object Country

Allowed operations for the object Country
List CountryList Country possible for Anonymous visitor
Record printing Country Record printing Country possible for Site member
Search CountrySearch Country possible for Anonymous visitor
Statistics Country Statistics Country possible for Site member
Display Country Display Country possible for Anonymous visitor
List new items Country List new items Country possible for Site member
List printing Country List printing Country possible for Site member

closeLink Information on Country
closeDocumentation about Country

The countries defined on the site are the current countries. They do not necessarily correspond with the old countries. Any locality defined on the site must belong to a country. If the locality is not yet defined you can use a generic locality for this country

This site is dedicated to the Belgian map and to illustrators. So all Belgian localities are defined.

Foreign cards are only encoded on the site if they have a connection with Belgium (for example a Belgian publisher / printer)

closeDocumentation about Small add

La petite annonce et le message public sont deux façons de communiquer entre collectionneurs. La petite annonce permet de placer un message complet concernant le domaine cartophile qui vous intéresse. Par contre le message public est obligatoirement lié à un et un seul objet cartophile ou à objet géographique. Il s'affiche lorsque l'objet correspondant est consulté.
Le nombre maximum de petites annonces est de 5. Le nombre de messages publics n'est pas limités
Vous ne pouvez placez qu'un seul continent, pays et province par annonce par contre vous pouvez placer jusqu'à vingt localités.
Si vous modifiez le continent et/ou le pays n'oubliez pas de rafraichir l'écran pour que la liste des localités soit adaptée.

www.cartophilie.be Sponsored by
Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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