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closeDocumentation about School classes
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closeDocumentation about school class

The purpose of the school classes file is to be able to identify old class photos (which are encoded in old photos and generally not in postcards, unless it is an edited postcard).

This makes it possible to identify the localities, schools and classes which are generally without indication.

Old class photos often have a blackboard with the name and year of the class. After 1918 it seems that this habit disappeared.

A teacher will have about forty active classes and a college several hundred.

By identifying only one of these classes it is enough to identify the other old class photos


Good luck

openGeneral Information on the object school class

Icon symbolizing the object : school class school class
school class is accessible in the menu School classes
There is(are) currently 6 School classes on www.cartophilie.be
Cannot load scans for the object directly school class
school class can be located on a map, There is(are) currently 3 Cities/Villages/Places(Place)

openAuthorisation Information on the object school class

Allowed operations for the object school class
Change school class Change school class possible for Info owner
Copy school class Copy school class possible for Site member
List school classList school class possible for Anonymous visitor
Record printing school class Record printing school class possible for Site member
Add school class Add school class possible for Site member
Search school class Search school class possible for Site member
Statistics school class Statistics school class possible for Site member
Display school class Display school class possible for Site member
List new items school class List new items school class possible for Site member
List printing school class List printing school class possible for Site member

openLink Information on school class

www.cartophilie.be Sponsored by
Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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