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closeDocumentation about Printers-publishers
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closeDocumentation about Printer-Publisher

A printer-publisher is a company or person that prints and / or publishes postcards. There are generally more publishers than printers. Publishers are the customers of printers. It is not always easy to distinguish a card publisher from its printer when only one name is present on the card. This is why, in addition to printers and publishers, the site has introduced the notion of printer-publisher to facilitate research. When the role is uncertain it is necessary to check the box editor and printer of the form.

Often printers edited their cards. In order to facilitate research, all printers and publishers are included in a single file, some references can have both roles. For example Désiré Van Dantzig at the beginning did not print his cards, he bought them in Germany and had the cards bought stamped with D.V.D. Subsequently he printed and edited his own cards and finally he no longer edited cards and was content to print them on order (in this case the publisher is the one who ordered the cards)

openGeneral Information on the object Printer-Publisher
Printer-Publisher is a subset of People or CompanyPeople or Company

Icon symbolizing the object : Printer-Publisher Printer-Publisher
There is(are) currently 1237 Printers-Publishers on www.cartophilie.be
Cannot load scans for the object directly Printer-Publisher
Printer-Publisher can be located on a map, There is(are) currently 68 Cities/Villages/Places(Birth city)

openAuthorisation Information on the object Printer-Publisher

Allowed operations for the object Printer-Publisher
to add another description Printer-Publisher to add another description Printer-Publisher possible for Site member
Change Printer-Publisher Change Printer-Publisher possible for Info owner
Copy Printer-Publisher Copy Printer-Publisher possible for Site member
Delete Printer-Publisher Delete Printer-Publisher possible for Info owner
Edit Printer-Publisher Edit Printer-Publisher possible for Site member
List Printer-PublisherList Printer-Publisher possible for Anonymous visitor
Record printing Printer-Publisher Record printing Printer-Publisher possible for Site member
Add Printer-Publisher Add Printer-Publisher possible for Site member
Search Printer-PublisherSearch Printer-Publisher possible for Anonymous visitor
Statistics Printer-Publisher Statistics Printer-Publisher possible for Site member
Display Printer-Publisher Display Printer-Publisher possible for Anonymous visitor
Random Printer-Publisher Random Printer-Publisher possible for Site member
List new items Printer-Publisher List new items Printer-Publisher possible for Site member
List printing Printer-Publisher List printing Printer-Publisher possible for Site member

openLink Information on Printer-Publisher

www.cartophilie.be Sponsored by
Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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