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User Registration/Login

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Why should I open an account ?

If you are member of cartophilie.be you have full display/search access to the website. You can also add information.

Otherwise as anonymous visitor you can only use reduced functionalities.


As a registered user you can:

  • Post comments on your behalf
  • Submit articles on your behalf
  • Have a personalized menu
  • Select the number of items you want displayed on the screen
  • Customize comments
  • And many other things ...

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What does subscription cost ?
This is 100% free, without pub and spam.
I don't receive a confirmation email
  • Most probably there is a typo in your email address
  • Your message can go in the spam box, please verify
  • If you are sure about the two preceeding point, it might be possible that the emailing system is down. You can send a simple email via (the feedback form) Your account will be created manually.
  • My account activation doesn't work
    The activation is valid 24 hours only. After that you can't activate your account.

    In this case just simple re-subscribe to get your account activated.

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    New User Registration (All red fields are mandatory)

    New conditions of use of the site following the new European regulation on the protection of private data (GDPR) of May 25, 2018

    closePersonal Data Confidentiality and GDPR
    What about my personal data
    Personal data are for internal use only. No personal data is used nor sold nor communicated to third parties.
    There is no danger to be spammed.

    You will receive from time to time the newsletter but you can unsubscribe from this service in you personal setting

    Regularly unused account will be deleted from the system.

    the confidentiality charter and GDPR

    Cartophilie.be  keeps your username, your encrypted password in order to verify your access to the site.

    The other infos are optional as well as any form and message created by you on the site.

    You have the right to forget and the information the site keeps ofabout you and your activities is available in the menu my cartophilie.be

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    Please choose your password: Your Password must be 6 characters long
    Re-type Password: (Leave blank for auto-generate your password)

    Security question: Security Code

    Please enter the answer the security question

    You will receive a confirmation email with a link included in the email . Please click on this link to the page you should visit to activate your account in the next 24 hours.

    Notice: Account and Account preferences are cookie based.
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    www.cartophilie.be Sponsored by
    Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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