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Menu Photographers

Main menu Postcards, séries, printers, publishers, désignersDesigners., Photograph, other.. Help & Info Photographer Welcome-Summary Photographer Select Photographer  Missing permission List Photographer Photographer postcardsPhotographer postcardsPhotographer postcards seriePhotographer serie

closeDocumentation about Photographer

Le photographe est rarement identifié sur une carte postale. Seuls les grands photographes signaient leurs clichés.
Différents éditeurs peuvent publier des cartes provenant d'un même cliché. On suppose que le photographe vendait son cliché sans exclusivité.
Certains photographes avaient des contrats d'exclusivité avec des artistes (comme par exemple Reutlinger avec Cleo de Mero)
Les premiers imprimeurs de cartes postales étaient souvent des photographes
Il existe un dictionnaire des photographes actifs en Belgique avant 1905. Il n'est pas toujours détaillé comme on le souhaiterait mais c'est une source d'information utile.

openGeneral Information on the object Photographer
Photographer is a subset of People or CompanyPeople or Company

Icon symbolizing the object : Photographer Photographer
Photographer is accessible in the menu Fotographer
There is(are) currently 235 Photographers on www.cartophilie.be
Cannot load scans for the object directly Photographer
Photographer can be located on a map, There is(are) currently 39 Cities/Villages/Places(Birth city)

openAuthorisation Information on the object Photographer

Allowed operations for the object Photographer
to add another description Photographer to add another description Photographer possible for Site member
Change Photographer Change Photographer possible for Info owner
Copy Photographer Copy Photographer possible for Site member
Edit Photographer Edit Photographer possible for Site member
List PhotographerList Photographer possible for Anonymous visitor
Record printing Photographer Record printing Photographer possible for Site member
Add Photographer Add Photographer possible for Site member
Rate Photographer Rate Photographer possible for Site member
Search PhotographerSearch Photographer possible for Anonymous visitor
Statistics Photographer Statistics Photographer possible for Site member
Display Photographer Display Photographer possible for Anonymous visitor
Random Photographer Random Photographer possible for Site member
List new items Photographer List new items Photographer possible for Site member
List printing Photographer List printing Photographer possible for Site member

openLink Information on Photographer

www.cartophilie.be Sponsored by
Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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