Linked informations For members only (free sign up) |
Display People or Company : Manufacture de tabac de la Semois Denoncin frères |
Biographic data
Lastname | | | |
First name | | | |
Birthdate | | | Undefined |
Birth city | | | |
Deathdate | | | Undefined |
Death city | | | |
Activity data
Location of the activity | | | Bohan |
Start date for postcard activity | | | Undefined |
End date of postcards activity | | | Undefined |
Person in charge | | | |
Activity types
Designer data
Comment | | | |
Webpage | | | |
Copyright type | | | |
Admin data
related to this people or company | | | 4220 |
People sortkey | | | Manufacture tabac de la Semois Denoncin |
User pseudo | | | cornelie |
Record date | | | 13 September 2024 |
| Manufacture de tabac de la Semois Denoncin frères : Evaluation and comment
The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsible for their content. |