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Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydBourse internationale du 11 novembre 2006 Bruxelles2004-11-012321Belgian deltiologyLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydLes sites d'enchères tuent ils les bourses cartophiles ?2005-12-263195Belgian deltiologyLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydCollectionna 20062006-06-142079Belgian deltiologyLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydBourse internationale du 11 novembre 2007 Bruxelles2007-10-212564Belgian deltiologyLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydBourse aux cartes postales à l'exposition Visages du terroir en Prov. de Namur2007-10-252356Belgian deltiologyLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydBourse internationale du 11 novembre 2008 Bruxelles2008-09-084112Belgian deltiologyLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydCercle des Collectionneurs Franchimontois2009-01-033208Belgian deltiologyLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydLe Manneken-Pis club de Bruxelles cherche un nouveau comité2009-10-311674Old PostcardsLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydBourse internationale du 11 novembre 2009 Bruxelles2009-11-012226Belgian deltiologyLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibyd57e Numicarta 29-30 Janvier 2010 : tarif réduit2010-01-092293Belgian deltiologyLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydBourse européenne de la carte postale à Bruxelles le 8 juin 2014 : Poseidon2014-04-281712Belgian deltiologyLanguage Undefined
Informations about the agenda : fairs, auctions, exhibitions..sibydBourse de la carte postale à Bruxelles le 28 septembre 2014 : Kappelleveld2014-09-262187Tips en tricks for dLanguage Undefined

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Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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