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Display Faq question : How can I upload picture ?

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Help & InfoFAQ Category The scans, how does it work ?
Help & InfoQuestionEn How can I upload picture ?
Help & InfoAnswerEn 
Every member can upload scans or picture but you first have to define the object it is suppose to represent.

usually you will insert a postcard description and after that the scan

You must first be identified on the site. You should see your <pseudo> appear at the top right of the screen under the delcampe.net logo, welcome to Cartophilie.be

The document sheet must exist beforehand (postcard, envelope, detail, etc.)
You need a jpg file that you have preferably scanned (150 dpi or dots per inch) or recovered from a sales site.

You must display the description of the card Continue entering by clicking on the link <Add a scan of> In the screen that appears click on "browse" You then have access to your image software (tree structure of your images ) where you are looking for your scan (max scan size: 420Kb), select and open, click on <add scan>

Each member (registered user) can add a quota of images per month. You must always define the object before loading your scan.

Classically we define a postcard and add its scan.

open Admin Data
Help & InfoFAQ IDPrimary key 52
Help & InfoUser pseudo sibyd
Help & InfoRecord date 1 January 2007

www.cartophilie.be Sponsored by
Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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