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Help & InfoFAQ Category Cartophilie.be content
Help & InfoQuestionEn How to discover the site, there is too much information?
Help & InfoAnswerEn 

Cartophilie.be is a site which provides amateurs with a large base of information on Belgian cartophilia. Cartophilia is simple, it is about collecting postcards but understanding the world of cards is a very broad topic, this is why the site may seem too rich or too complicated.

It contains all the information useful to the cartophilies for its collection. Not only on the cards and those who edit and produce them but also very useful related information that allows you to sort your cards.

Unlike the philatelist who has a catalog of his country, there is currently no catalog of postcards. Indeed there are approximately 1000 times more different cards than stamps in the world.

There are monographs that deal with specific localities or themes. So we are entering a fairly specialized world. In a Belgian philatelist club you will find many people who collect the same thing. In cartophilia, this is rarely the case. You often only have one person who collects a village, a theme, an editor. Sometimes there is no known collector for a village!

What remains exciting for the postcard is the low circulation of cards. We have unique documents (manual card), a few copies (photo card), a hundred (collotype) and a few thousand. only 1% of what was produced remains, and some have completely disappeared. The great pleasure of the collector of card maps is to constantly discover new things and also to own the last known copy of a document

In 2020 The world of cartophilia enters a phase of maturity, the collections have been assembled and the books have been written on different themes. There are thousands of pounds with the history of a locality. The revival of the 1970s is far away (50 years ago already) Exchange exchanges no longer attract crowds but attract collectors who are generally far from their collection. Card prices are falling for the moment,

The motivations of collectors are diverse, but information remains essential if we want to collect

The interest of this site is to federate and cross different sources of information. It is very difficult to navigate the clutter of sales sites or even in your own collection.

Here you will find everything that is useful: topographic information, information from publishers, printers, photographers, illustrators, logos, series, themes etc. which allow you to know and sort your treasures as best as possible

It is imperative to SHARE the information you have if we want to progress in knowledge

We wish you a lot of fun on the site, do not hesitate to contact us.

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Help & InfoFAQ IDPrimary key 78
Help & InfoUser pseudo sibyd
Help & InfoRecord date 8 June 2020

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