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Becoming member, het is freeWhy should I open an account ?
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Personal Data Confidentiality and GDPRWhat about my personal data
How to contact us ?How to add a postcard link ?
How to contact us ?How adding a news in cartophilie.be ?
How to contact us ?How to contact cartophilie.be ?
Les Actualités comment cela marcheWhere the news are coming from ?
Les Actualités comment cela marcheNews structure
Les Actualités comment cela marcheHow long does a news stay on the 1st page
Cartophilie.be contentWha updates the website ?
Cartophilie.be contentWhy are pages public and other private ?
Cartophilie.be contentMay I propose some story or content ?
Cartophilie.be contentPages containing errors ?
Les Actualités comment cela marcheMeanings of the flags ?
Becoming member, het is freeI don't receive a confirmation email
List of postcardsPostcard list : How does it work ?
List of postcardsPostcard list : what is that ?
List of postcardsHow to add a new serie ?
List of postcardsPostcard List upload ?
How does the Search engine work?Basic of the search engine ?
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How does the Search engine work?Look for Postcard serie
Comment se connecter ?Despite a correct password, I can't log in
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The scans, how does it work ?I don't find the scan of a postcard ?

www.cartophilie.be Sponsored by
Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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