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NelsNelsPrinter-PublisherNels logo rond Circle
SBPSBPPrinter-PublisherSociété anonyme BelgDiamond
MuchaMuchaDesignerAlfons MuchaNo specific shape
KienerkKienerkDesignerGiorgio KienerkNo specific shape
RoubilleRoubilleDesignerAuguste (Jean BaptisNo specific shape
De FeureDe FeureDesignerDe Feure Georges (GeNo specific shape
Kupkasignature de Kupka (provient de la carte Cocorico)DesignerKupka FrantisekNo specific shape
C.LéandreC.LéandreDesignerCharles LéandreNo specific shape
DoësDoësDesignerLouis DoësNo specific shape
SteinleinSteinleinDesignerSteinlen Alexandre TNo specific shape
PopineauPopineauDesignerNo specific shape
Arthur MichaelArthur MichaelDesignerMichael Arthur C.No specific shape
J. FaverotJ. FaverotDesignerJoseph FaverotNo specific shape
A. WilletteA. WilletteDesignerWillette Adolphe LéoNo specific shape
U. WernaertsJ. WernaertsDesignerUrbain WernaersNo specific shape
GLCoGLCoPrinter-PublisherGustav Liersch & Co.No specific shape
Phototypie M. Marcovici BruxellesPhototypie M. Marcovici BruxellesPrinter-PublisherMarco Marcovici (sigNo specific shape
MarcoMarcoPrinter-PublisherMarco Marcovici (sigOvale
M. M. Br. (MMBr)M. M. Br.   (MMBr)Printer-PublisherMarco Marcovici (sigNo specific shapeMarco marcovici Bruxelles MMBr
Marcovici BruxellesMarcovici BruxellesPrinter-PublisherMarco Marcovici (sigOvale
Marcovici BruxellesMarcovici BruxellesPrinter-PublisherMarco Marcovici (sigOvale
StarStarPrinter-PublisherDe Graeve (HeliotypiStarStar
PhobPhobPrinter-PublisherPhoB (Phototypie BelNo specific shape
E.L.DELDPrinter-PublisherE.L.D ou LE DELEY (ENo specific shape
HGHGPrinter-PublisherHenri GeorgesSunNo specific shape

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Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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