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List of Information objects on map
Deltiology EventUn rendez-vous cartophile est une activité relative à la cartophilie gérée par une organisation responsableDeltiology Event
Book or magazineLes publications reprennent les livres et les périodiques liés à la cartophilie.Book or magazine
Magazine issueMagazine issue
OrganizerSur ce site une organisation est l'entité responsable d'une activité dans l'agenda cartophile. Que ce soit une bourse d'échange, des enchères, une exposition, une émission de TV ou radiophoniqueOrganizer
PostcardThe postcard in a broad sense is the heart of this site. It includes all sizes of card stock intended to be sent in the open including photo-cards identified or not
The photo card has the "photo-card" printing mode. If the photo map is identified we can specify the locality, otherwise there are generic localities for each country or province of Belgium.
Different postcards will be created if the snapshots are different for the same map of a series or if the reference number is the editor or if the title is completely different. The variety of colors or presentations or title place will only be specified if this presents crucial information for relatively rare cards.
If there is a coherent set of cards from the same publisher or printer, the card will be associated with a series and possibly a set of postcards. A card set is a subset of a series of cards. See the associated documentation.Postcard
EventLes événements repris dans la base de données sont ceux qui ont fait l'objet d'au moins une carte postale.Event

A designer plays a role in deltiology. He is the designer of certain postcards. It can also be associated with series, posters and signatures (time object)A person can play the role of designer when the "designer" indicator of his file is activated. This will allow you to see this person in the list of illustrators or to be able to select him as an illustrator of a postcard.A person in deltiology can have different roles. He can for example be editor and illustrator at the same time at the level of his record.

PublisherThe publisher of the postcard or a series of cards is the one who takes the financial risk of the edition. It is generally the one who orders printing from the card printer. The photograph is provided by the photographer or is drawn by the illustrator.
Some printers are themselves publishers of their cardsSome photographers and illustrators are also publishers of their mapsIt is therefore still not easy to distinguish the publisher from the printer, the photographer, the artist.
In case of doubt, you must indicate in the editor's file that he is also a printer and indicate in the map the identical publisher and printer as long as the distinction is not madePublisher
PhotographerLe photographe est rarement identifié sur une carte postale. Seuls les grands photographes signaient leurs clichés.<div>Différents éditeurs peuvent publier des cartes provenant d'un m&ecirc;me cliché. On suppose que le photographe vendait son cliché sans exclusivité.</div><div>Certains photographes avaient des contrats d'exclusivité avec des artistes (comme par exemple Reutlinger avec Cleo de Mero)<br /><div>Les premiers imprimeurs de cartes postales étaient souvent des photographes</div><div>Il existe un dictionnaire des photographes actifs en Belgique avant 1905. Il n'est pas toujours détaillé comme on le souhaiterait mais c'est une source d'information utile.</div></div>Photographer
PrinterL'imprimeur est celui qui imprime la carte postale.<div>Certains imprimeurs locaux ne possédaient pas la technologie d'impression (phototypie pour les cartes vues) et sous traitaient &agrave; de grands imprimeurs. C'est pour cela que l'on peut rencontrer des cartes imprimées par un gros imprimeur mais avec le nom d'un autre imprimeur sur la carte.</div><div><br /></div><div>Les premiers imprimeurs furent allemands et autrichiens. Il étaient passé ma&icirc;tre en chromolithographie. (Les fameuses Gruss aus sont les plus cél&egrave;bres)</div><div><br /></div><div>Le cartophile avec le temps reconnaitra la patte de l'imprimeur</div>Printer
Famous peopleUne personnalité est une personne ou un personnage identifiée sur la carte<div>Sur cartophilie.be on consid&egrave;re que ce sont les personnes qui ne sont ni éditeurs, imprimeurs, photographes, illustrateurs.</div>Famous people
People or CompanyPeople and societies are the different actors in cartophilia. These are the printers, publishers, photographers, authors or publishers of books as well as the personalities represented on the postcards
The publisher is the person who gives the order to print the map. He takes the financial risk of editing the card and generally has the rights to the card.Often the publisher and the printer are the same people in large seriesIn small localities the publisher is often the hotel or the local cafe, or even the hairdresser.People or Company
Book authorBook author
Book publisherBook publisher
Printer-PublisherA printer-publisher is a company or person that prints and / or publishes postcards. There are generally more publishers than printers. Publishers are the customers of printers. It is not always easy to distinguish a card publisher from its printer when only one name is present on the card. This is why, in addition to printers and publishers, the site has introduced the notion of printer-publisher to facilitate research. When the role is uncertain it is necessary to check the box editor and printer of the form.
Often printers edited their cards. In order to facilitate research, all printers and publishers are included in a single file, some references can have both roles. For example Désiré Van Dantzig at the beginning did not print his cards, he bought them in Germany and had the cards bought stamped with D.V.D. Subsequently he printed and edited his own cards and finally he no longer edited cards and was content to print them on order (in this case the publisher is the one who ordered the cards)Printer-Publisher
SerieThere is no official definition of a series of postcards, but the essential characteristics can be defined.
Postcards printed or edited by the same publisher or printer and having identical characteristics are grouped into series. At a minimum, the publisher or printer or the characteristics of the series must be clearly identifiable in order to define a series.The experience makes it possible to recognize the cards of the same series. Preferably the essential characteristic will be the printer before the publisher and if several publishers exist for a printer, we will define subsets specific to these publishers via sets of cards.The most easily identifiable series are those which are numbered in a more or less orderly fashion.The postcards were also sold and distributed in a pocket. We will speak of a "set" of cards. The set of cards is a coherent set of cards, for example illustrated by an illustrator or published for a specific place or event.All sets of cards with similar characteristics will be grouped into series.For ease of listing the cards we can divide a series into different sets even if these sets did not really exist commercially (no known cover for example). The existence of a pocket makes it possible to clearly identify a set of cards.Please note that very large publishers have regularly revised their series and their numbering and listing can become very difficult and on the other hand some cards with the same number and the same title exist in different versions because after a number of copies the "negative" was worn or even broken and no longer allowed the impression of the original viewIf in a series we find with the same reference cards with different pictures or titles they will be listed under two different cardsOn the other hand, if only the typography of the title, the printing information or its position differ, several cards will not be listed because these are minor variations which do not impact the card search.When there are no sleeves there is no fundamental difference between the set and the series: the characteristics of the series and the sets are almost the same. We prefer to define a set when it is a small set of cards and we will speak of series when there are very many cards with multiple subsets.Serie
Small addLa petite annonce et le message public sont deux fa&ccedil;ons de communiquer entre collectionneurs. La petite annonce permet de placer un message complet concernant le domaine cartophile qui vous intéresse. Par contre le message public est obligatoirement lié &agrave; un et un seul objet cartophile ou &agrave; objet géographique. Il s'affiche lorsque l'objet correspondant est consulté.<div>Le nombre maximum de petites annonces est de 5. Le nombre de messages publics n'est pas limités</div><div>Vous ne pouvez placez qu'un seul continent, pays et province par annonce par contre vous pouvez placer jusqu'&agrave; vingt localités.</div><div>Si vous modifiez le continent et/ou le pays n'oubliez pas de rafraichir l'écran pour que la liste des localités soit adaptée.</div>Small add
WaterLe cours d'eau est défini sur le site mais les fonctionalités liées aux cours d'eau ne sont pas encore activeWater
Main riverMain river
PlaceOn this site a locality is a place located in a country with its current spelling. Cartophilia will usually be old towns, even hamlets. When inserting a map we will refer to the municipality of the time.
When we write the title of a map, we will give the locality that is as it is on the map with its old spelling. When one wants to go more finely in the definition of the place of a map one can associate one or several localized points (for example a station, a school or a church etc ....).
As this site is a site devoted mainly to Belgian cartophilia, only the Belgian localities are listed in a complete way. The localities of other countries are present only summarily in order to complete the files of the publishers or personalities.Place
CountryThe countries defined on the site are the current countries. They do not necessarily correspond with the old countries. Any locality defined on the site must belong to a country. If the locality is not yet defined you can use a generic locality for this country
This site is dedicated to the Belgian map and to illustrators. So all Belgian localities are defined.
Foreign cards are only encoded on the site if they have a connection with Belgium (for example a Belgian publisher / printer)Country
Located pointUn point localisé est un point remarquable d'une commune.<div>Actuellement ce sont essentiellement les édifices mais dans le futur cela pourra &ecirc;tre une rue ou une partie de rue que l'on peut géolocaliser.</div><div>Une carte postale peut &ecirc;tre liée &agrave; un ou plusieurs points localisés (par exemple une carte montre l'école de la commune et un h&ocirc;tel).</div><div><br /></div>Located point
Located place with water <p>Un lieu de cours d'eau permet d'associer une localit&eacute; &agrave; un cours d'eau. &nbsp;C'est un point localis&eacute; special, puisqu'il se trouve sur un cours d'eau mais plut&ocirc;t que d'&ecirc;tre associ&eacute; &agrave; une localit&eacute; il est &eacute;galement associ&eacute; &agrave; un cours d'eau</p>
<p>Cet objet permet de faire des listes de cartes associ&eacute;es &agrave; un cours d'eau au contraire des classifications classiques qui suivent de pr&eacute;f&eacute;rence les localit&eacute;es. On peut par exemple faire une liste des ponts sur l'Escaut.</p>Located place with water
StateLa province ou département est une subdivision d'un pays. Toute localité appartient &agrave; une province sauf la localité générique d'un paysState

Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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